Dr. Jeff Hamann Animal Medical Fund

Dr. Jeff Hamann was a towering figure in animal care for Jefferson County. His incredible kindness, humor, and passion for animal care is remembered in many corners and especially at the Humane Society of Jefferson County.

His career spanned a half century at the Jefferson Veterinary Clinic, caring for both large and small animals. He could also be found at the Wisconsin State Fair sharing his wisdom with attendees of all ages. His work at the fair led to him being named Wisconsin Veterinarian of the Year in 1978.

He was active for years in Humane Society activities and helped raise funds for the modern shelter building that stands today. He also served on the HSJC Board of Directors from 2015 – 2019.

We are proud to honor his legacy with the naming of the Dr. Jeff Hamann Animal Medical Fund at the HSJC.

The Animal Medical Fund is a unique donor-designated area that helps provide life-saving medical care to animals who come to the Humane Society.  The costs of this care often exceed $70,000 a year to cover surgery, medication, and other non-routine care for pets suffering from serious wounds or illness.

You can contribute to this live-saving care by selecting the Dr. Jeff Hamann Animal Medical Fund on our donation page.