Featured Pets: Minnie’s Puppies!

Artie (male) - Adopted!
Artie (male) - Adopted!
Bonnie (female) - Adopted!
Bonnie (female) - Adopted!
Eloise (female) - Adopted!
Eloise (female) - Adopted!
Phinneas (male) - Adopted!
Phinneas (male) - Adopted!

All puppies have been adopted!

We’re an adorable litter of two-month-old pups who were born and raised in foster care, and now we’re ready to strike out on our own! Our mom is a sweet 45 lbs. Bulldog-type, but no one knows who our dad was, so we’re a bit of a mystery! We’re already all around 10 lbs., so we’re likely to be medium to large-sized pups.

Having lived in foster homes all of our lives, we’re well-socialized pups who are off to a great start, but we need loving, patient, and dedicated adopters to teach us all about living in a home and being a well-mannered companion. We’re blank slates that will need to be taught everything from basic skills like potty training and leash walking to skills like “stay,” “come,” and “sit.” Puppy classes are strongly recommended not only to help us learn the basics but also to help build a strong bond with our families and to continue our socialization.

If you’ve got the time and energy it takes to raise an adorable puppy from square one, get your application in today! Super cute pups like us will be pretty popular, so don’t wait!

Click here to fill out an application!

Rexton (male) - Adopted!
Rexton (male) - Adopted!
Rose (female) - Adopted!
Rose (female) - Adopted!
Tasia - Adopted!
Tasia - Adopted!
Minnie, their mom. Not currently available for adoption.
Minnie, their mom. Not currently available for adoption.
Categories: Featured Pets